The success of Club Shows at Lane Farm

Friday 24 February 2012

The success of Club Shows at Lane Farm

Phil and Denise Straughan own a 120 acres farm situated on the urban fringe of Bedlington, Northumberland, along with their two sons Danny and Campbell. Working as a family team they run a contracting, equestrian and recycling business. ‘We had to diversify many years ago as the farm was too small to make ends meet.”
Denise, passionate about horses from an early age was keen to convert a couple of redundant farm buildings into stables to help sustain the family. 28 years later they now have 70 liveries, a contracting business and even recycle their own horse muck into compost. However, with the increase in livery numbers came the need to expand on their only outdoor arena.
After making a massive leap of faith and in a recession, Lane Farm Livery has now emerged as Lane Farm Equestrian. Saturday, 30 July 2011 saw Lane Farm Equestrian officially open their doors to a new 50 x 30 purpose built indoor riding arena with waxed track surface and 2 outdoor warm up areas.  First class equipment and welfare facilities for liveries and competitors alike “this has enabled our liveries and the wider equestrian community to enjoy their riding, training and competition; in a protected environment 365 days of the year.”
Sunday, 31 July 2011 saw the first British Showjumping Club Show to be held in Northumberland and indeed the first show ever to be organised by Denise and Lane Farm Equestrian. Since then L.F.E. has gone from strength to strength. ‘Club’ Shows are ran every second Sunday of the month at Lane Farm. Aimed at encouraging the grass-root riders to regularly compete under the spear head of British Showjumping and improving their performance, as they strive for more points and better position in the Northern league.
“To attract more riders to attend ‘Club’ shows I thought it was a good idea to encourage unaffiliated riders to attend by including some unaffiliated ‘fun’ classes; thus re-naming our schedules to, ‘Fun and Club Indoor Showjumping’. All of our events are themed to add a fun aspect which is welcoming, such as our ‘Festive Fun and Club’ and latterly, Sunday 12 February 2012, ‘Cupids Fun and Club’ Show, this involved fun romantic captions for class titles, not to mention a packet of Love Hearts to every competitor. There were hearts on the rosettes and showjumping rounds were accompanied by songs such as ‘Cupid Draw Back your Bow’.”
Cupid’s Fun and Club Indoor Showjumping - Sunday 12 February 2012 - Results
Class 1 - Sweethearts - 55 cms (unaffiliated)
Tillie Ball – Lulu
Class 2 - Romeo and Juliet – 60cm Pairs Relay (unaffiliated)
Leanne Davis-Peggy
Sophie Ball – Bamalam A Ding Dong
Class 3 - Cupids Arrow – 70cm British Showjumping Club Pony
Lottie Gibbons – Duncan
Class 4 - Kiss Me Quick – 80cm British Showjumping Club Pony
Bethany Stout – The Honey Bear
Class 5 – Be My Valentine – 90cm British Showjumping Club Pony
Bethany Stout – The Honey Bear
Class 6 – Fancy That   - 70cm British Showjumping Club Horse
Katie Graham - Puck
Class 7 – Love Hearts – 80cm British Showjumping Club Horse
Fiona Wood – Harvey
Class 8 – Devoted - 90cm British Showjumping Club Horse
David Herron – Jerrico
Class 9 – Kiss and Tell – 1m British Showjumping Club Horse
Fiona Grant – Ochil Star
Class 10 – Desire - 1m 05 Open (Unaffiliated)
Sophie Ball – The Dark Emperor
Class 11 – Lovers Leap - Down and Out (Unaffiliated)
Sophie Ball – The Dark Emperor
“Our entries have increased from in the teens to yesterdays starting list of 57 and more of our supporters are joining the British Showjumping ‘Club’ membership which I think is great value for money at only £30.00 subscription. Lane Farm Equestrian looks forward to seeing some of our Northumbrian members at the Regional Finals.”
Lane Farm Equestrian have now progressed and are running more British Showjumping, not only have they added more ‘Club’ dates to the British Showjumping Calendar but also dates for Senior British Showjumping Progressive Shows too. The next Senior Progressive show will be held on the 25 February and the Fun and Club show on the 11 March.
“Our ethos is to provide our competitors and supporters with a feel good experience at Lane Farm in every aspect of horsemanship Not only do we endeavour to keep our customers happy with a genuinely friendly and well run competition but we also try and help them. For example we have recently installed a large television in the side of our indoor so that competitors in the collecting area are kept in the ‘link,’ and can watch the happenings in the indoor arena. This ‘live coverage’ of all our events can be seen in the comforts of our rest-room lounge also, where you can have a hot drink and something to eat and not miss out on the competition.”
Denise and the boys would like to thank the loyalty and tireless help from our greatly valued ‘team’ at Lane Farm and the support of Morpeth Hunt Pony Club and the Bedlington Blyth District Riding Club, not to mention all of our competitors and friends who regular attend our events.
Like us on Facebook – Lane Farm Equestrian
Written by Denise Straughan and Photo’s supplied by Andy Jones,

Photo: David Herron & Jerrico, winner of the 90cm Horse Club Class

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