

As of 1 January 2022, ALL Horses competing at ALL FEI Events must fulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp (Art. 1029 and 1031 of the FEI 2022 Veterinary Regulations). THIS INCLUDES UK INTERNATIONALS. Athletes, Grooms, Trainers and Owners all need to be aware of the Horse Health Requirements and must use the FEI HorseApp to fulfil the requirements in accordance with the FEI 2022 Veterinary Regulations. Sanctions will apply for non-compliance (Annex VI of the FEI 2022 Veterinary Regulations).
You must:

  1. Take two daily temperature readings for every Horse that will be present at an FEI Event for the three days leading up to the arrival at an FEI Event

  2. Fill in the Horse Health FEI Self-Certification Form for all Horses attending an FEI Event

  3. Taking and entering of two daily temperature readings for each Horse whilst at an FEI Event

Further information, help and guidance can be found at:
Last updated: 01/01/2022

Going Abroad

Within this section you will find all you need to know in respect of competing at CSI competitions, at home and abroad, or at Home Pony compeitions.

To compete abroad all equines will need an FEI Passport and both equines and riders are required to have an FEI Registration. Links for both can be found above as can our selection policies and an overview of the International Teams and Talent Pathway criteria. 

All horses and riders wishing to compete in FEI competitions abroad, including riders receiving personal invitations, must apply to the British Showjumping Performance Team for authorisation.  Horse/rider combinations will only be authorised which are consistently/successfully competing nationally and showing succesful progression up to the level applied for. All applications for authorisation will be considered by the World Class Performance Manager on a case by case basis and may be withdrawn if deemed inappropriate. 

To apply for authorisation to an FEI show abroad please email with the show and dates you would like to enter along with Rider and Horse names and section or log into your members online account.

Teams & Programmes

All Team and Championship Information: Young Horses and Home Pony up to  Senior Teams
International Teams Overview 
World Class Performance Pathway

Shows and Registrations

International Updates
FEI International Show Calendar
Frequently Asked Questions
FEI Passports & Registrations
FEI Rules 
FEI Veterinary Rules
FEI Show Categories
International Forms - Downloads

Further Links:

Brexit-Government advice for transporting horses 
Government advice for the 1st January 2021 onwards
Veteran - AJA Int'l Assoc of Jumping Rider Amabassadors
FEI Sport Manager App you can monitor your entries and invites for FEI shows via the App. 
Dartfish Privacy Policy

Contact Email: