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Becoming a British Showjumping Coach

All coaches working within British Showjumping must hold the Level 2 or Level 3 British Showjumping Coaching Certificate. Courses for this qualification are run throughout the year, upcoming dates can be found here

Once qualified, coaches must provide proof of the following documents to remain eligible to coach in British Showjumping training events and we listed on the main website 

First Aid 

This must be a three day First Aid at Work qualification, BHS First Aid course or Equine specific First Aid course. One day Emergency First Aid at Work qualifications are not accepted. 

More details of accepted courses can be found on the First Aid page here


All BEF member bodies deliver the Safeguarding for Equestrians course. This is delivered in a virtual classroom setting, more information can be found here. This is the recommended Safeguarding course for coaches. 

The Safeguarding course for Officials is not sufficient for coaches.  

Disclosure Check 

If you coach in England or Wales this is DBS Check, if you coach in Scotland, this s a PVG. Coaches are required to undergo Enhanced Checks, these can be processed through British Showjumping. Contact the Sport Team for more information. 


All coaches must hold a current insurance policy which covers them to coach riders. 

Code of Conduct 

This must be agreed to yearly and submitted to the Sport Team. 


Coaches must be a current member of British Showjumping. Any level of membership is acceptable except online. 

Coaches who have fulfilled the criteria above will have their contact details listed on the website. There is no fee to be listed. 


If you have any questions about becoming a British Showjumping Coach, or the requirements above, please contact the Sport Team