Retraining Of Racehorses Club League 2024-2025

The Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) Club League Championship will take place at the British Showjumping National Championships, National Agricultural and Exhibition Centre (NAEC), Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire.

The RoR Club League is made up of all the identified retrained racehorses which appear on the Regional Club Leagues which run between 1st July 2024 - 31st May 2025, with the period altering to 1st June - 31st May in subsequent years. This RoR League will be used to identify the top thirty horse/rider with Club League points that are eligible to receive an invitation to compete in the Championship class with its first round height of 85cm rising to 90cm in the jump off. To be eligible for qualification to the Final riders must be at least 15 years old on the 1 January of that year.

The winner will also be rewarded with a complimentary Club Membership for a horse and rider combination for one year.

This series is open to any former racehorse, registered with RoR, including unraced, GB raced and foreign raced horses. 

Updated daily, the points will be accrued as follows across all five heights of Club class (60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm and 1.00m):

1st = 12, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 8, 4th = 6, 5th = 4, 6th = 3.
Double Clear Points = 3.

To find out more about our Club membership, click here.  



Place Points Rider name Horse name
1 800 Kelly Pattinson HOW MUCH FURTHER
2 102 Jackie Herbert ANFIELD STAR
3 82 Frankie Amatt SOGHAN
4 78 Hannah Chisman FIRST FANDANGO
5 72 Jade Nason NOBLE REACH
6 67 Milly Morrison DAVIDS DELILA DANCES
7= 57 Gina Matthews THE DEVON DUMPLING
7= 57 Hannah Jane Oldham DJANGO DJANGO
9 43 Michaela Caisley DAYDREAM ISLAND
10 42 Sophie Spiteri CAROLINE'S CHARM
11 40 Rhi Lewis HEAD HUNTER
12 39 Amberley Valentine PRETTY LITTLE THING
13= 25 Rhi Lewis DESPEARADO V
13= 25 Holly Teape FOOTY'S BRIDGE
15 15 Rachel Collins REBEL COLLINS
16 12 Lauren Faggetter SHIROCCAN ROLL