Equine Anti Doping - Be Aware

Friday 27 March 2015

Equine Anti Doping – The National system

Members need to be aware of the National equine anti-doping and controlled medication system that is in force for all FEI equestrian sports and as a member of British Showjumping please be aware that your horse/pony could be tested at any level of competition.  Please make yourselves familiar with the prohibited substances list and ensure that you are not breaking the rules

The system, which is a requirement of our affiliation to the FEI, applies to all affiliated members of British Showjumping at every level. The system closely mirrors the FEI system and should be relatively familiar to internationally registered members. However, those who do not compete internationally will need to take on board the concepts.

Please make yourselves familiar with the prohibited substances list and ensure that you are not breaking the rules. Members need to be aware of the National equine anti-doping and controlled medication system that is in force for all FEI equestrian sports and as a member of British Showjumping please be aware that your horse/pony could be tested at any level of competition.

Anti-doping is the use of artificial enhancement to gain competitive advantage, whilst medication control is the inappropriate use of medication during competition which can mask underlying health problems and might have a detrimental effect on horse welfare.  Please note that both anti-doping and medication control violations may result in elimination, fines and suspension so it is important that you are sure you are not breaking these rules when competing.

For those of you who have not had your horses/ponies tested before, the procedure is simple.  After competing you will be approached by a BEFAR steward who will notify you that your horse/pony has been selected for testing, they will then escort you to a designated stable.  You will be required to show the horses/ponies passport.  A urine sample (if possible) and a blood sample will then be taken.  You will be asked to witness the procedure as well as the samples being sealed in tamper proof bags before they are sent to the testing laboratory for analysis.  Results usually take 2-4 weeks and you will be notified only if there is a positive result.  Please be aware that refusal for a sample to be taken is considered to be a positive result.

The system, which is a requirement of our affiliation to the FEI, applies to all affiliated members of British Showjumping at every level. The system closely mirrors the FEI system and should be relatively familiar to internationally registered members. However, those who do not compete internationally will need to take on board the concepts.

What you need to know

This is a set of cross–discipline BEF Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Rules (“BEFAR”) and a Prohibited List which will replicate the FEI List for adherence at National level. 

Under the system, doping (which falls under the World Anti-Doping Code in the same way as doping in humans) is separated out from medication control (which is there for welfare reasons). This is linked to a change in the approach to the Prohibited List which is now very specific about what is prohibited, and thus allowing riders and their vets to have increased certainty and enable them to avoid mistakes.

All substances on the Prohibited List are known as “Prohibited Substances” and this is sub-divided into two substance groups: Doping substances which are referred to as “Banned Substances” i.e. they should never be used in the horse; and legitimate equine medication substances which are referred to as “Controlled Medication Substances”.

It may be possible to obtain a National Equine Therapeutic Use Exemption (“NETUE”) for a Controlled Medication Substance in advance of competing, but an NETUE will never be given for a Banned Substance. Similarly there are no threshold levels for Banned Substances.

What are the implications?

If found guilty of a doping violation, the rider, and potentially also the horse, will be disqualified from the competition concerned and maybe even from the entire event. The standard sanction in addition to that is a two year suspension, plus a fine and potential legal costs. This standard sanction can only be reduced if specific mitigating conditions can be met – this very much reflects the human doping system of imposing standard sanctions. During suspension the rider cannot compete internationally or nationally, or be involved in any way in any activity organised by British Showjumping, any other BEF discipline, the FEI, the National Federation or any international or national event organisation.

In contrast the Medication Control system concentrates very much on the welfare of the horse when competing. Unlike a Banned Substance it is possible to apply for an NETUE for a Controlled Medication Substance if tested. The sanction for a first offence is up to two years ineligibility; the exact length will be determined by looking at a number of specified conditions.

BEFAR recommends that a Medication Logbook should be kept for each horse, recording the date, substance and dosage of all treatments administered to the horse which involve a prohibited substance (Controlled Medication Substances) along with details of the person who administered the treatment.

What should you do now?

The BEF have set up a very useful Clean Sport section on their website which you can find by clicking on the link below where you will be able to download the relevant forms, guides and handbooks necessary.  On the National Equine Anti-Doping & Controlled Medication link you will also be able to download the BEFAR Case Status Table.

National Equine Anti-Doping

International Equine  Anti-Doping


We suggest you take a good look at the website and, at a minimum, read the Athlete’s Guide and download a copy of the new Prohibited List.

You need to make sure that your vet, grooms and other support personnel become familiar with what is and is not on the Prohibited List so that you can ensure that you are fully compliant.