Ava Richardson from Oxfordshire is the latest NAF Shining Star

Wednesday 26 February 2025

Ava Richardson from Oxfordshire is the latest NAF Shining Star

Ava Richardson, from Wallingford, Oxfordshire, has been awarded the latest NAF Shining Star accolade. Ava, a member of the British Showjumping Berks and Oxon Academy, was nominated for the award by her coach, Sharon Quant.

Thrilled to have received the news that she had been nominated for the NAF Shining Star Award, Ava commented: “I’m so happy and proud of Romeo, it was a complete surprise but I’m so excited for the future now”.

Thirteen-year-old Ava has one horse that she competes – a 14-year-old Irish bred gelding called Carnsdale Chicago, also known as Romeo at home. “Romeo helped me when my old loan pony Murphy, who was 26, passed away,” said Ava. “He is my best friend and the first horse I have owned. It took us some time to understand each other but slowly we started to trust each other and I’m so pleased with how far we have come. He always neighs when he sees me and gives fist bumps with his muzzle when I say goodbye”.

Despite only having registered as a British Showjumping member at the start of the year, Ava is looking forward to an exciting 2025: “I was so shocked to get my qualifications for the Blue Chip Championships so quickly but I’m really excited to go with my friend Ellie. Placing 1st in a British Novice class has also been a highlight and I would like to try some more Discovery classes this year and maybe enter the Bareback Challenge at Bury Farm next year when I will be 14.

Sharon Quant, Berks and Oxon Academy Coach said: “Ava has only had her horse for a year, and they have started slowly to gain confidence and get to know each other, but now they are thriving.

“Ava is always positive, keen to learn and is continually improving at the Academy training sessions and this is reflected in her success at her first British Showjumping competitions. Ava’s aim for this year is to hopefully do well at the Blue Chip Championships and represent her academy at the team shows while continuing to enjoy Romeo and hopefully get some more double clears.”

Talking about why she enjoys being a part of the Berks and Oxon Academy so much, Ava commented: " I love my coach, Sharon; I always learn something new at training and everyone is so friendly. I can’t wait to compete at my first academy show with the team and I’m looking forward to the day camp at April Farm.

“I never dreamt I would compete in British Showjumping, but Romeo loves to jump so with the help of my mum, Sharon, my amazing yard owner, Donna, and the support of all my riding friends I decided to have a go. I have only been to three British Showjumping competitions, but Bury Farm has been my favourite so far and I had so much fun”.

Lisa Field from NAF added: “Ava, what a great start you have had to your British Showjumping journey, well done. It is great to see you utilising the training that your local Academy offers to help progress on your journey, and we can’t wait to see what you achieve this year!”

The NAF Shining Star Award was introduced when NAF became a British Showjumping Business Partner. The award is for members of a Junior Academy who have shown a great deal of commitment, progression, and outstanding behaviour, along with their riding ability and much more. Riders are nominated by their lead coach and then judged and awarded by NAF to one person each month.

For further information on NAF follow them on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates and rider stories or visit the NAF website at naf-equine.eu/uk

Further information on the British Showjumping Academies can be found here: britishshowjumping.co.uk/training/Academies-1


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