Waterford EC Results

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Waterford EC Results


A fantastic turnout for last weekends annual Waterford EC British Showjumping Senior show hosted by Jamie Atkinson & Janice Mewse. Trophies and Scope Festival Qualifiers were on offer and fabulous prize money too.  A huge thank you must go to sponors JB Equine, The Hill Family, Spillers Horse Feeds, Shivers Equine, The Grass Centre, Sam & Alistair Nurse, Graham Emerson, JM Equestrian & Waterford EC who all enjoyed hospitality in the sponsors marquee.

Trophy Winners

Earl of Durham Carla Bolam

Neil Hill Memorial  Poppy Buck

N East Grade C   Claire Gibson

Townhead Trophy James Adams

Townhead 1.20m Jess Mcnally

JB Equine     Alice Meakin

Hamilton Poppet  Emily Douglas

My Mystery   Sam Mcnicholas

KBIS British novice
1st Clorogue Gold - Emily Hughes
2nd Calensky - Sam Jimmison
3rd TJ VI - Faye Currie
4th Boranco Utopia Van De Riet Venne - Carla Bolam

Scope Panda Bamboo 95cms
1st Bowes Milky Way - Holly Gair
2nd Skylagh D'Ouilly - Rachel Evison
3rd Wiptdiederali - Holly Gair
Nupafeed Discovery
1st Diamond Lux - Susan Farrell
2nd Copshawholme Alpine Wizard - Hannah Parkin

3rd  A Shiviers Tale  Sarah Burdiss
Waterford1.05m open

1st Montanna V - Ashley Tannerhill
2nd Skylagh D'Ouilly - Rachel Evison
3rd Anya - Brooke Johnson
1st Lawly - James Adams
2nd Redmoons Rever - Sarah Burdiss
3rd Calico Z - Andrew Winn
4th - Handell Mee - Alison Lines
1.10m open
1st Walty L - Sophia Cuthbert

2nd Secret 111 Michael Mayberry

3rd  Carlingford Shiver  John Brannen
Horse & Hound Foxhunter/1.20m open
1st Lawley - James Adams
2nd Belissimo - John Brannen
3rd Divident SB - Charlotte Arnold
National 1.30m open
1st Divident SB - Charlotte Arnold

2nd Annie Sarah Russell

3rd  Zoranda   Sam Jimmison
KBIS Novice/90cm open
1st Aztec Diamond - Courtney Crawford
2nd E Fiona - Abi Davison
3rd One Too Many - Chloe May
4th Rebelsa R - Claire Gibson

1st Kalou Z - Emma Askew

SCOPE Discovery
1st Currabawn Cinderella - Amy Ion
2nd Carlensky - Sam Jimmison
3rd Pepsi Z - Sam McNicholas
4th  Rebelsa R - Claire Gibson
5th Demo H - Beth Ion
Scope Adventurer1.05m/1.05m open
1st Amerillo - Sally Kingsley
2nd Zaza SA - Margaret Kendall
3rd Krafted Miracle - Poppy Buck
1st Scylagh D'Ouilly - Rachel Evison
2nd Brandonview Oscar - Polly Douglas

1st Hawthorne Salsa - Josh O'Hara
2nd Currabawn Cinderella - Amy Ion
3rd Premier Diamond - Alice Meakin
4th Lucido H - Amy Ion
5th Cool Clover - Susan Farrell
1.10m open
1st Kilmanahan Diamond - Emily Douglas
2nd Amerillo - Sally Kingsley
Scope Blue Riband Foxhunter/1.20m open
1st Bowes Corland Cracker - Jess McNally
2nd Belissimo - John Brannen
3rd Randals Legacy - Claire Gibson
4th Kilmanahan Diamond - Emily Douglas
5th DHI Cadeaux - Charlotte Arnold

Earl of Durham 1.30m open
1st Mr Tom - Hayley McCaie
2nd Elia - Carla Bolam
3rd Zaronda - Sam Jimmison 

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