2019 Winter Pony Championships at SouthView Equestrian Centre

Wednesday 30 January 2019

The Winter Pony Championships, which take place at SouthView Equestrian Centre in Cheshire, between the 6 – 7 April 2019, will play host to eight of the Winter Pony Championships including the newest editions to the calendar; the Winter 1.00m and Winter 1.10m Pony Finals.

Across the two days of competition there will be an array classes on offer as well as nine exciting Championship Finals. The Finals being hosted at the Championships are:

128cm Springboard Final

138cm Springboard Final

10 Years and Under Style and Performance Final

11 Years and Under Final

128cm/138cm Handicap Special Final

1.00m Pony Final

1.10m Pony Final

Winter JA Final

Combinations who have qualified will be notified in the by the third week of March and a list of those eligible for the Finals can also be found on our website on the following link: http://www.britishshowjumping.co.uk/shows/Qualifying-Dates-Venues-and-Qualified-Riders

The schedule will be available soon on the British Showjumping website. There will be supporting classes for those attending the Championships and all Championship Finals will require pre-entry. For further information please visit www.southviewarena.com.   


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