British Showjumping – FEI Calendar and International Travel

Monday 08 June 2020

British Showjumping – FEI Calendar and International Travel

During the season ahead we understand FEI registered members will be hoping to compete at one of the International shows scheduled as going ahead on the FEI Calendar. 

For those that are hoping to make the trip abroad, please do be aware that whilst many countries are easing out of lockdown, alongside the UK, the COVID-19 pandemic is still very active and each country will have its own protocols in place that will need to be met.

To assist those who are hoping to travel out of the country to one of the early FEI shows, please do be aware of the following and ensure you are continually updating yourselves with the latest government advice from both the UK and the respective countries you will be travelling to and through.

  • The FEI have advised riders need to be aware that some of the shows on their calendar may not go ahead.  This is because the show cannot be cancelled until it has been done so by the National Federation. There is also the possibility of the respective government giving a ‘no sporting events’ directive at short notice.  The FEI Calendar can be found here .
  • Current UK Government Advice (8 June 2020) is that you should not travel abroad unless it is essential and until a further update is received advising differently.
  • Riders need to be aware of Government travel and quarantine restrictions for each of the countries they intend to travel to or through.
  • The UK Government have introduced a 14 day quarantine for those re-entering the UK.  This is in place until further directive is given advising differently.
  • Ensure that your health insurance covers any COVID-19 related illness as reports have shown that this is now being excluded on some policies.
  • Carry your European Health Card with you for European Travel – this is valid until 31 December

For further government guidance regarding travel advice visit here  and the FEI have a COVID-19 portal for developments in the sport which can be found here.

Ongoing national updates are regularly being posted on the British Showjumping news page for national sport and British Equestrian have a designated COVID-19 portal linked from their homepage at 



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