Young Equestrian Leaders Award (YELA)

The Young Equestrian Leaders Award (YELA) is an award scheme run in conjunction with the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) designed to recognise young volunteers in Equestrian.
There are three progressive levels Bronze, Silver and Gold based on the amount of hours and type of volunteering that is carried out:
- Bronze requires 20 hours of volunteering and introduces skills in responsibility, organisation and communication
- Silver requires 40 hours and develops these further
- Gold Award requires 120 hours of volunteering, encouraging leadership and the planning and delivery of a specific project.
You can volunteer at any of the Member Bodies which make up the British Equestrian Federation (BEF). Unfortunately BHS or ABRS stand alone approved Livery Yards are unable to count and volunteering at a BETA approved store also is unable to count.
Once you have somewhere to volunteer you just need to register with the award and pay your registration fee and then you can start collecting hours to gain an award. The easiest way to do this is to complete the online application form. Alternatively you can download, complete and return the application form to YELA.
Please be aware that hours completed assisting competitors at an event by grooming for example, do not count towards the award, please double check with a member of the YELA team if you are unsure.
To find out more about the Young Equestrian Leaders Award, click here.