FEI Passports & Registrations
click here for International forms
To compete Internationally the below are required and it is the riders responsibility to ensure that both horse and rider are FEI registered for international competitions.
1 Rider FEI Registration
If you are competing abroad you will need an annual registration.
If you are only competing at a CSI competition in the UK up to 2* you can apply for a UK Event Registration.
All rider registrations are renewable annually and expire 31st December each year.
2 FEI Horse Registration
For any FEI competitions abroad or in the UK a horse will need an FEI registration which expires the 31st
December each year.
3. FEI Horse Passport
For any FEI competitions abroad and FEI competitions above 2* in the UK a horse will require an FEI passport
which lasts for 4 years from the date issued.
Please note, National Passport ownership pages must be correct at the time of issuing, changing the ownership of, or revalidating and FEI passport. More information can be found here.
More information on passports can be found by clicking here.
FEI passports, changes of ownership, revalidations, horse registrations and rider registrations are all avilable to purchase on your Members Online account. Simply go to International->Passports and Registrations->Select the horse/rider requried (or select "Another Horse" if not listed)->complete the form and proceed to payment. Horse's national passports MUST be sent into the office for new FEI passports, revalidation, change of ownership and change of name. Passport scans are required for first time registration only.
Forms - please note, any FEI products processed manually via the office will be subject to an additional £10 fee.
To see if a horse is currently registered with the FEI please click here.
To see if a rider is currently registered with the FEI please click here.
To contact us please email: performance@britishshowjumping.co.uk